Bulletin Notes

Law enforcement officers are challenged daily in the performance of their duties; they face each encounter freely and unselfishly while answering the call to duty. In certain instances, their actions warrant special attention from their respective departments. The Bulletin also wants to recognize those situations that transcend the normal rigors of the law enforcement profession.

One afternoon, Deputies Nicole Miron and Anthony Gross of the Macomb County, Michigan, Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to investigate a vehicle driving erratically. After activating lights and sirens failed to get any response from the driver, the officers pulled up alongside the uncontrolled truck. The individual, a 63-year-old male, appeared to be in a daze and unable to comprehend their requests to stop.

Eventually, the driver rolled down his window and briefly hit his brakes. As Deputy Gross kept even pace, Deputy Miron—who had been in the passenger side of the department’s SUV—exited through the window and climbed into the truck while both vehicles continued to travel down the road. Once inside the truck, Deputy Miron was able to stop the vehicle.

After speaking to the driver, Deputy Miron contacted his family and confirmed his medical condition. The individual was transported to a local hospital for medical care. Deputies Gross and Miron put themselves in harm’s way to help a citizen in need and protect other drivers.

Deputy Miron

Deputy Nicole Miron

Deputy Gross

Deputy Anthony Gross

Nominations for the Bulletin Notes should be based on either the rescue of one or more citizens or an arrest(s) made at unusual risk to an officer’s safety. Submissions should include a short write-up, a separate photograph of each nominee, and a letter from the department’s ranking officer endorsing the nomination. Submissions can be emailed to leb@fbi.gov.