Bulletin Notes
Law enforcement officers are challenged daily in the performance of their duties; they face each encounter freely and unselfishly while answering the call to duty. In certain instances, their actions warrant special attention from their respective departments. The Bulletin also wants to recognize those situations that transcend the normal rigors of the law enforcement profession.
Temple Terrace, Florida, Police Officer Kendall Lee was the first officer on scene of a shooting in a local supermarket parking lot. There, he found the victim being tended to by a Good Samaritan and sitting in the front of a sedan.
Incoherent, the victim could not describe where he was injured and was quickly going into shock. Officer Lee promptly assessed the situation, reclined the man’s seat, and began searching for his wound. Upon finding a severe gunshot wound to the upper thigh, Officer Lee cleared the area around the injury and placed a tight tourniquet at the highest point above the wound to slow the flow of blood.
The injured man received surgery at a local hospital to repair the damage to his severed femoral artery. Officer Lee’s quick action in applying the tourniquet ultimately saved the victim’s life.
Officer Kendall Lee
Nominations for the Bulletin Notes should be based on either the rescue of one or more citizens or an arrest(s) made at unusual risk to an officer’s safety. Submissions should include a short write-up, a separate photograph of each nominee, and a letter from the department’s ranking officer endorsing the nomination. Submissions can be emailed to leb@fbi.gov.