Bulletin Report

DNA Backlog Reduction

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Bureau of Justice Assistance, presents a fact sheet detailing the DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program (CEBR), including Formula Program and Competitive Program summaries. The overarching goal of the CEBR Formula Program is to increase the capacity of publicly funded forensic DNA and DNA database laboratories to process more samples, thereby helping to reduce the number awaiting analysis. The CEBR Competitive Program furthers the DOJ’s mission and the attorney general’s priorities by funding states and units of local government with existing crime laboratories that conduct DNA analysis to solve crimes and protect public safety by maximizing the effective utilization of DNA technology to process samples for entry into the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS).

The full fact sheet, NCJ 308924, can be accessed at https://bja.ojp.gov/doc/fact-sheet-dna-cebr.pdf.