2015 Subject and Author Index
Subject Index
“Creating the Preferred Future Today for Law Enforcement Cooperation Tomorrow: A Case Study,” Mike Masterson, Ernst Weyand, and Douglas Hart, April.
“Hard Truths: Law Enforcement and Race,” James Comey, March.
“Law Enforcement and Transgender Communities,” Tod W. Burke, Stephen S. Owen, and April Few-Demo, June.
“A Recipe for Success with News Outlets,” Christina Cotterman, September.
“Societal Trends Facing Law Enforcement,” C. Sidney Heal, November.
“Understanding Each Other: New Perspectives on Traditional Community Policing Ideals,” Todd B. Pearl, November.
“Using Canines to Address School Violence,” Courtney Grubb, Tod W. Burke, and Stephen S. Owen, August.
“A Victim-Centered Approach to Sex Trafficking Cases,” Larry Alvarez and Jocelyn Cañas-Moreira, November.
“Altered Fingerprints: A Challenge to Law Enforcement Identification Efforts,” FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Latent and Forensic Support Unit, May.
“A New Investigative Biometric Service: The National Palm Print System,” Gary L. Williams, June.
“Next Generation Identification,” C. Michael Riley, April.
“Paint and Plastic Evidence Analysis in a Drug Possession Case,” Diana Wright, January.
“Exploiting Verbal Markers of Deception Across Ethnic Lines: An Investigative Tool for Cross-Cultural Interviewing,” Tony Sandoval, David Matsumoto, Hyisung C. Hwang, and Lisa Skinner, July.
“Memory Puzzle: What Every Investigator Should Know,” Brian D. Fitch, January.
“Nonconfrontational Interrogation: Obtaining Confessions from Streetwise Gang Members,” John J. Guzman, April.
“Virtual Currency: Investigative Challenges and Opportunities,” Brett Nigh and C. Alden Pelker, September.
“Interdiction for the Protection of Children,” Michael L. Yoder and Wayne R. Koka, February.
“Parental Kidnapping: Using Social Media to Assist in Apprehending Suspects and Recovering Victims,” FBI Intelligence Analyst, March.
“All Lives Matter,” Michael McAuliffe, February.
“The Black Dot,” Russell Kleber, May.
“The Carver and the Planter,” M. Bret Hood, July.
“Creating Extraordinary Moments,” Larry Guerin, April.
“Foundations of Leadership and Followership,” Irene Barath, January.
“How Do We Lead From Here?” Ken Kilbride, June.
“Human Factors in Law Enforcement Leadership,” Darius Bone, Anthony Normore, and Mitch Javidi, December.
“I Should Have Eaten More Ice Cream,” M. Bret Hood, September.
“Leading Through Tragedy,” Suzanna Hasnay, November.
“Leading with the Pen: The Handwritten Note,” Cynthia Lewis, October.
“Performance Management Strategies for Effective Leadership: An Accountability Process,” Gary Ellis and Anthony H. Normore, February.
“Serve with Courage and Respect,” Mike Masterson, January.
“A System Focus,” Cory McGookin, December.
“Us Versus Them: Effects of Group Dynamics on Leadership,” M. Bret Hood, June.
“Value of Compassion,” Beth Coleman, August.
“What Will Your Legacy Be?” Randall A. Liberty, February.
“Foot Pursuits: Keeping Officers Safe,” Brian McAllister, July.
“Improving Motivation and Productivity of Police Officers,” Jay Fortenbery, August.
“Officer Crisis and Suicide: Improving Officer Wellness,” Brian R. Nanavaty, September.
“Police Chaplains: An Integral Part of Law Enforcement,” Jack Rinchich, December.
“Conducting 24/7 Electronic Stakeouts to Address Property Crimes,” Travis Martinez, October.
“The FBI’s National Data Exchange (N-DEx),” Kasey Wertheim and Kelly Badgett, December.
“Policing in the Casino Gaming Environment: Methods, Risks, and Challenges,” Kenneth J. Peak, May.
“Advanced Degrees for Law Enforcement Personnel: The Ideal Time to Enter a Higher Education Program,” Nick Francis, August.
“Developing Ethical Law Enforcement Leaders: A Plan of Action,” Jay Fortenbery, May.
“The Right Person for the Job: Police Chiefs Discuss the Most Important Commodity in Law Enforcement,” Susan Hilal and James Densley, October.
“Emergency Medical Response in Active-Threat Situations: Training Standards for Law Enforcement,” John M. Landry, Sara J. Aberle, Andrew J. Dennis, and Matthew D. Sztajnkrycer, March.
“An Evaluation Tool for Crisis Negotiators,” Vincent A. Dalfonzo and Michele L. Deitrick, October.
“The Importance of Mental Health Training in Law Enforcement,” Nicholas Wilcox, July.
Author Index
Aberle, Sara J., Chief Resident, Department of Emergency Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, “Emergency Medical Response in Active-Threat Situations: Training Standards for Law Enforcement,” March.
Alvarez, Larry, “A Victim-Centered Approach to Sex Trafficking Cases,” November.
Badgett, Kelly, Communications Team Specialist, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division, National Data Exchange Program Office, Clarksburg, West Virginia, “The FBI’s National Data Exchange (N-DEx),” December.
Barath, Irene, Instructor, Ontario, Canada, Police College, assigned to the FBI’s Leadership Fellows Program, “Foundations of Leadership and Followership,” January.
Bone, Darius, Lieutenant, Los Angeles, California, Police Department, and Adjunct Instructor, East Los Angeles College and Police Academy at Rio Hondo College, Whittier, California, “Human Factors in Law Enforcement Leadership,” December.
Burke, Tod W., Former Police Officer, Associate Dean, College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences, and Professor of Criminal Justice, Radford University, Radford, Virginia, “Law Enforcement and Transgender Communities,” June; and “Using Canines to Address School Violence,” August.
Cañas-Moreira, Jocelyn, “A Victim-Centered Approach to Sex Trafficking Cases,” November.
Coleman, Beth, Instructor, Leadership and Communications Unit, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, “Value of Compassion,” August.
Comey, James, Director, FBI, Washington, D.C., “Hard Truths: Law Enforcement and Race,” March.
Cotterman, Christina, Media Relations Deputy Director, Prince George’s County, Maryland, Police Department, “A Recipe for Success with News Outlets,” September.
Dalfonzo, Vincent A., FBI Supervisory Special Agent, Critical Incident Response Group, Crisis Negotiation Unit, Quantico, Virginia, “An Evaluation Tool for Crisis Negotiators,” October.
Deitrick, Michele L., Instructional Systems Specialist, FBI Security Division, Washington, D.C., “An Evaluation Tool for Crisis Negotiators,” October.
Dennis, Andrew J., Chief, Division of Prehospital and Emergency Trauma Services, Department of Trauma and Burn, John H. Stroger, Jr., Hospital of Cook County; Medical Director, Cook County Sheriff’s Department, Emergency Services Bureau; and Associate Professor, RUSH Medical College in Chicago, Illinois, “Emergency Medical Response in Active-Threat Situations: Training Standards for Law Enforcement,” March.
Densley, James, Associate Professor, Metropolitan State University School of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, “The Right Person for the Job: Police Chiefs Discuss the Most Important Commodity in Law Enforcement,” October.
Ellis, Gary, Program Head, Department of Justice Studies, University of Guelph Humber, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and Retired Executive, Toronto Police Service, “Performance Management Strategies for Effective Leadership: An Accountability Process,” February.
FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Latent and Forensic Support Unit, “Altered Fingerprints: A Challenge to Law Enforcement Identification Efforts,” May.
FBI Intelligence Analyst, “Parental Kidnapping: Using Social Media to Assist in Apprehending Suspects and Recovering Victims,” March.
Few-Demo, April, Associate Professor of Human Development, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, “Law Enforcement and Transgender Communities,” June.
Fitch, Brian D., Lieutenant, Los Angeles County, California, Sheriff’s Department, and Faculty Member, California State University, Long Beach, and the Southwestern University School of Law, Los Angeles, “Memory Puzzle: What Every Investigator Should Know,” January.
Fortenbery, Jay, Chief, Edenton, North Carolina, Police Department, “Developing Ethical Law Enforcement Leaders: A Plan of Action,” May; and “Improving Motivation and Productivity of Police Officers,” August.
Francis, Nick, Captain, Apple Valley, Minnesota, Police Department, and Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice, Concordia University, Saint Paul, Minnesota, “Advanced Degrees for Law Enforcement Personnel: The Ideal Time to Enter a Higher Education Program,” August.
Grubb, Courtney, Graduate Student, Department of Criminal Justice, Radford University, Radford, Virginia, “Using Canines to Address School Violence,” August.
Guerin, Larry, FBI Special Agent and Instructor, Leadership and Communication Unit, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, “Creating Extraordinary Moments,” April.
Guzman, John J., Instructor and Retired Gang Crime Specialist, Chicago, Illinois, Police Department, “Nonconfrontational Interrogation: Obtaining Confessions from Streetwise Gang Members,” April.
Hart, Douglas, FBI Special Agent and Task Force Coordinator, Boise, Idaho, Field Office, “Creating the Preferred Future Today for Law Enforcement Cooperation Tomorrow: A Case Study,” April.
Hasnay, Suzanna, FBI Supervisory Special Agent, Adjunct Faculty Member, University of Virginia, and Former Instructor, FBI Academy, “Leading Through Tragedy,” November.
Heal, C. Sidney, Retired Commander, Los Angeles, California, Sheriff’s Department, and Member, World Futures Society and Police Futurists International, “Societal Trends Facing Law Enforcement,” November.
Hilal, Susan, Professor, Metropolitan State University School of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, “The Right Person for the Job: Police Chiefs Discuss the Most Important Commodity in Law Enforcement,” October.
Hood, M. Bret, FBI Special Agent and Instructor, Law Enforcement Development Unit, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, “Overestimating Yourself,” March; “Us Versus Them: Effects of Group Dynamics on Leadership,” June; “The Carver and the Planter,” July; and “I Should Have Eaten More Ice Cream,” September.
Hwang, Hyisung C., Adjunct Faculty Member, San Francisco State University, and Research Scientist, Private Training and Consulting Firm, El Cerrito, California, “Exploiting Verbal Markers of Deception Across Ethnic Lines: An Investigative Tool for Cross-Cultural Interviewing,” July.
Javidi, Mitch, Cofounder, Public Safety Training and Development Firms, Holly Springs, North Carolina, “Human Factors in Law Enforcement Leadership,” December.
Kilbride, Ken, Retired Lieutenant, Plantation, Florida, Police Department, and Instructor, Leadership and Communications Unit, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, “How Do We Lead from Here?” June.
Kleber, Russell, FBI Supervisory Special Agent and Instructor, Leadership and Communication Unit, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, “The Black Dot,” May.
Landry, John M., Retired Lieutenant, State of Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Insurance Fraud, Tallahassee, and Instructor, Criminal Justice Program, South Florida State College, Avon Park, “Emergency Medical Response in Active-Threat Situations: Training Standards for Law Enforcement,” March.
Lewis, Cynthia, Instructor, Leadership and Communications Unit, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, “Leading with the Pen: The Handwritten Note,” October.
Martinez, Travis, Lieutenant, Special Operations Bureau, Redlands, California, Police Department, “Conducting 24/7 Electronic Stakeouts to Address Property Crimes,” October.
Masterson, Mike, Retired Chief, Boise, Idaho, Police Department, “Serve with Courage and Respect,” January; and “Creating the Preferred Future Today for Law Enforcement Cooperation Tomorrow: A Case Study,” April.
Matsumoto, David, Professor of Psychology, San Francisco State University, and Director, Private Training and Consulting Firm, El Cerrito, California, “Exploiting Verbal Markers of Deception Across Ethnic Lines: An Investigative Tool for Cross-Cultural Interviewing,” July.
McAllister, Brian, Retired Lieutenant, Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department, and Instructor, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Program, “Foot Pursuits: Keeping Officer’s Safe,” July.
McGookin, Cory, FBI Special Agent and Instructor, Law Enforcement Development Unit, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, “A System Focus,” December.
Nanavaty, Brian R., Captain, Indianapolis, Indiana, Metropolitan Police Department, “Addressing Officer Crisis and Suicide: Improving Officer Wellness,” September.
Nigh, Brett, Assistant General Counsel, FBI Office of the General Counsel, Washington, D.C., “Virtual Currency: Investigative Challenges and Opportunities,” September.
Normore, Anthony, Professor and Chair of Educational Leadership and Graduate Education, California State University, Dominguez Hills, California, “Performance Management Strategies for Effective Leadership: An Accountability Process,” February; and “Human Factors in Law Enforcement Leadership,” December.
Owen, Stephen S., Professor and Chair, Department of Criminal Justice, Radford University, Radford, Virginia, “Law Enforcement and Transgender Communities,” June; and “Using Canines to Address School Violence,” August.
Peak, Kenneth J., Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, University of Nevada, Reno, “Policing in the Casino Gaming Environment: Methods, Risks, and Challenges,” May.
Pearl, Todd B., Detective, Paterson, New Jersey, Police Department, and Instructor, Bergen County Police Academy, “Understanding Each Other: New Perspectives on Traditional Community Policing Ideals,” November.
Pelker, C. Alden, Intelligence Analyst, FBI Criminal Investigative Division, Washington D.C., “Virtual Currency: Investigative Challenges and Opportunities,” September.
Riley, C. Michael, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Clarksburg, West Virginia, “Next Generation Identification,” April.
Rinchich, Jack, Retired Police Chief and Chaplain, and President, National Association of Chiefs of Police and American Police Hall of Fame, Titusville, Florida, “Police Chaplains: An Integral Part of Law Enforcement,” December.
Sandoval, Tony, Retired FBI Special Agent, Polygraph Examiner, and Instructor, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, “Exploiting Verbal Markers of Deception Across Ethnic Lines: An Investigative Tool for Cross-Cultural Interviewing,” July.
Skinner, Lisa, Retired FBI Special Agent, Polygraph Examiner, and Instructor, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia, “Exploiting Verbal Markers of Deception Across Ethnic Lines: An Investigative Tool for Cross-Cultural Interviewing,” July.
Sztajnkrycer, Matthew D., Associate Professor and Chair of Emergency Preparedness, Division of Emergency Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, and Medical Director, Rochester Police Department and Olmsted County Emergency Response Unit, “Emergency Medical Response in Active-Threat Situations: Training Standards for Law Enforcement,” March.
Wertheim, Kasey, Project Manager, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division, National Data Exchange Program Office, Clarksburg, West Virginia, “The FBI’s National Data Exchange (N-DEx),” December.
Weyand, Ernst, FBI Special Agent, Boise, Idaho, Field Office, “Creating the Preferred Future Today for Law Enforcement Cooperation Tomorrow: A Case Study,” April.
Wilcox, Nicholas, Retired Officer, Los Altos, California, Police Department, Program Coordinator and Instructor, Criminal Justice Program, Ozarka College, Melbourne, Arkansas, “The Importance of Mental Health Training in Law Enforcement,” July.
Williams, Gary L., Supervisory Management and Program Analyst, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Latent and Forensic Support Unit, Clarksburg, West Virginia, “A New Investigative Biometric Service: The National Palm Print System,” June.
Wright, Diana, FBI Laboratory Division, Chemistry Unit, Quantico, Virginia, “Paint and Plastic Evidence Analysis in a Drug Possession Case,” January.