FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - May 2019
May 14, 2019
Unidentified Person: Jane Doe - Glennie, Michigan
On Wednesday, October 26, 1974, a hunter found the remains of a white female on Bamfield Road near Glennie, Michigan.
May 8, 2019
Bulletin Reports: Digital Evidence Access
This report aims to improve law enforcement access to and use of remotely held digital evidence.
May 8, 2019
Officers Matthew Suddeth and Cory Glasscock of the Oneonta, Alabama, Police Department notified and rescued two elderly women trapped in an apartment fire.
May 8, 2019
Leadership Spotlight: Distant Crisis, Local Leverage
In the aftermath of a terrorist incident with global repercussions, police agencies use social media to inform and lead the public.
May 8, 2019
Perspective: Importance of Park Police Departments
These valuable agencies provide unique, essential services not offered by traditional law enforcement entities.
May 8, 2019
Leadership During Crisis Response: Current Research
A recent FBI study helped identify and confirm current best practices, as well as new approaches, for executing crisis response plans and providing leadership.
May 8, 2019
Wise, Virginia, Police Department
The Wise, Virginia, Police Department patch features the scales of justice against the yellow outline of Wise County.
May 8, 2019
Providence, Rhode Island, Police Department
The shoulder patch of the Providence, Rhode Island, Police Department conveys distinction and purpose.
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