Community Outreach Spotlight
Team G.R.E.A.T.
Submitted by Jim Knoll, public information officer with the Clarksville, Tennessee, Police Department.

Cartoon superheroes often transition from print to big-screen movies. Officer Greg Granderson of the Clarksville, Tennessee, Police Department (CPD) has taken a different approach by incorporating real-life champions into a new comic book series.
The officer has had a lifelong passion for superhero comic books and recently authored the first issue of a three-part series to complement CPD’s Gang Resistance and Education Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program, taught in elementary schools. Team G.R.E.A.T. comics educate children in an entertaining and compelling way while addressing lessons, such as making smart decisions, controlling anger, and giving respect, of CPD’s initiative. With input and feedback from other G.R.E.A.T. professionals, Officer Granderson designed the story and characters.
Aside from development of the comic books, the officer has found his own way to promote the G.R.E.A.T. curriculum. He incorporates “feats of encouraging power and strength,” which include ripping decks of cards, phone books, and license plates in half and bending steel bars with his teeth. His motto is “Unhealthy choices make us weak, healthy choices make us strong.” Officer Granderson has identified his niche within the program and provides a positive role model for students to emulate.
The first Team G.R.E.A.T comic book is available for free online at
For additional information, contact Mr. Knoll at