Bulletin Reports
Bulletin Reports: A Guide for Death Scene Investigators
This updated guide provides a breakdown of the various tasks involved in conducting medicolegal death investigations.
Bulletin Report: DNA Backlog Reduction
This fact sheet details the DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program.
Bulletin Reports: Crimes Involving Juveniles, 1993-2022
This statistical brief focuses on juveniles as both victims and alleged or perceived offenders.
Bulletin Reports: Federal Justice Statistics, 2022
This report provides national statistics on the federal response to crime for fiscal year 2022 and some statistics on changes over time.
Bulletin Reports: Causes of School Violence
A research project applied two major criminology theories in a study to better understand the causes of school shootings.
Bulletin Reports: Digital Evidence Access
This report aims to improve law enforcement access to and use of remotely held digital evidence.
Bulletin Reports: School Crime and Safety
Drawn from several sources of data, this publication offers the perspectives of students, teachers, and principals.
Bulletin Reports: Analysis of Violent Radicalization
A study compares behavioral variables across and between lone-actor terrorists and solo mass murderers.
Bulletin Reports: Reducing Prostitution and Sex Trafficking
The National Institute of Justice funded a project that provides an overview of initiatives targeting the demand for commercial sex.
Bulletin Reports: Using Protective Orders to Reduce Domestic Violence
A study regarding the use of protective orders in reducing domestic violence.
Bulletin Reports: Federal Justice Statistics, 2013-2014
This report, published March 2017, describes the annual activity, workload, and outcomes of the federal criminal justice system from arrest to imprisonment.
Bulletin Reports: Police Response to Domestic Violence, 2006-2015
Released in May 2017, this report indicates that police were notified in 56 percent of the approximately 1.3 million nonfatal domestic violence occurrences each year between 2006 and 2015.
Bulletin Reports: Novel Recreational Drugs
Designer drugs, which contain a variety of unconstrained psychoactive elements, have emerged as typical on the illicit drug market.
Bulletin Reports: Understanding Cyberbullying
Research conducted into cyberbullying helped to better describe the problem and develop an evidence-driven definition.
Bulletin Reports: Prison Mortality Rates
In 2014 the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP) recorded 3,927 inmate deaths—a 1 percent increase from 3,879 in 2013—in state and federal prisons in the United States.
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