A Message to Our Readers
The Bulletin Moves to Online Only
The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, published monthly since 1932, will discontinue printing hard copy issues after December 2012. We are enhancing the magazine’s online presence with an updated Web page. The sleeker-looking online format will improve readability and search capability, maximize accessibility, provide more opportunities for readers and authors to communicate, and be available on mobile devices. The Bulletin will continue to feature academically renowned, peer-reviewed content for its readers.
We will release one or more articles per week on the Web page and offer numerous sections featuring articles on specific topics; archived issues; and departments, such as Patch Calls and Bulletin Notes. Later in the year, we plan to provide e-publication readers with a themed, quarterly publication of selected articles designed for that viewing format.
To see current and archived issues, author guidelines, and more, please visit http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/law-enforcement-bulletin. A revised version of our author guidelines, specifically written to provide suggestions for submitting material for our online publication, will be available soon on the same Web site. Although we will continue accepting longer articles based on the previous guidelines (2,000 to 3,500 words) for the time being, we may feature them as a series of two or more parts. We encourage authors to begin submitting shorter articles (600 to 1,200 words) that will be better suited for the revised online format.
If you ever have been intimidated by writing a lengthy article for the Bulletin, this is your opportunity to write and submit a shorter one. A brief article featuring a successful administrative or adjudicated investigative initiative of your department would be welcome. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail us at our new address, leb@ic.fbi.gov. We look forward to hearing from you.
John E. Ott
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin