Bulletin Notes
Law enforcement officers are challenged daily in the performance of their duties; they face each encounter freely and unselfishly while answering the call to duty. In certain instances, their actions warrant special attention from their respective departments. The Bulletin also wants to recognize those situations that transcend the normal rigors of the law enforcement profession.
Kenosha County, Wisconsin, Sheriff’s Department Deputies Kelsey Schwuchow and Christopher Bischoff were enjoying a day off on the beach with their families when they observed two children drowning approximately 60 yards offshore. The kids’ mother attempted to save them but was quickly overcome by rip currents.
Weather forecasts had warned against swimming as 3- to 5-foot waves or higher, 25 mph winds, and life-threatening waves and currents were expected. Upon noticing the immediate life-and-death situation, Deputies Schwuchow and Bischoff entered the water, risking their own lives, to rescue the two drowning juveniles and their mother.
Deputies Schwuchow and Bischoff reached the children and began bringing them to shore when they, along with the kids, went under the water. The deputies took a moment to regain their breath and strength before continuing to pull the juveniles to safety.
While swimming back to shore with the children, Deputies Schwuchow and Bischoff passed the mother, who was also drowning. Deputy Schwuchow instructed her how to float on her back and comforted her by stating she would return for her. After reaching land with the kids, Deputy Schwuchow went back and safely pulled the mother to shore as well.
All individuals were observed at local hospitals as a precaution and are expected to make a full recovery.

Deputy Kelsey Schwuchow

Deputy Christopher Bischoff
Nominations for the Bulletin Notes should be based on either the rescue of one or more citizens or an arrest(s) made at unusual risk to an officer’s safety. Submissions should include a short write-up, a separate photograph of each nominee, and a letter from the department’s ranking officer endorsing the nomination. Submissions can be emailed to leb@fbi.gov.