Bulletin Notes
Law enforcement officers are challenged daily in the performance of their duties; they face each challenge freely and unselfishly while answering the call to duty. In certain instances, their actions warrant special attention from their respective departments. The Bulletin also wants to recognize those situations that transcend the normal rigors of the law enforcement profession.
While traveling between facilities for training, Deputy Brett Watson and Detention Officers Marcus Farley and Matthew Kokernak of the Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Sheriff’s Office, along with officers from other agencies, came upon an accident on a very busy highway. Officer Kokernak drove his car around the traffic to provide assistance. Upon arrival, the officers found a motorcyclist, who was not breathing and did not have a pulse, lying in the road. Officers Farley and Kokernak stopped and diverted all traffic away from the victim. This allowed Deputy Watson, also a medic, and other officers to render assistance to the individual. After employing CPR and using an AED, the victim’s pulse returned before emergency officials arrived, who were able to quickly get into position. The victim then was transported to the hospital.
Deputy Watson
Officer Farley
Officer Kokernak
Officer Fitzgerald
A house fire nearly cut short the holiday season of one family in Fairfield Glade, Tennessee. On that night, Fairfield Glade Police Department Public Safety Officer Jeff Fitzgerald responded to an emergency call for the fire; he arrived first to the scene and witnessed the front of the residence fully engulfed in flames, unbeknownst to the family of three (including a 4-month-old infant) sleeping inside. Officer Fitzgerald entered the blazing house from the rear, woke the parents and child, and transported them to safety. He then brought them to his police car to keep warm until further assistance arrived. One of the victims later stated to a local newspaper that Officer Fitzgerald “may very well have saved our lives.”
Nominations for the Bulletin Notes should be based on either the rescue of one or more citizens or arrest(s) made at unusual risk to an officer’s safety. Submissions should include a short write-up (maximum of 250 words), a separate photograph of each nominee, and a letter from the department’s ranking officer endorsing the nomination. Submissions can be mailed to the Editor, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, FBI Academy, Outreach and Communications Unit, Quantico, VA 22135 or e-mailed to leb@fbiacademy.edu.